Colors and Life!Hi, this is Sultan! I saw something on television the other day, I thought you'd enjoy hearing about it.It was a report on color, color changes how you feel. Scientists say red makes you hungry that's why many restaurants have red walls. They also say pink makes you calm, pink rooms help you relax. If this is true do you think colors change the way you feel? Here is some Information about color, it is quite amazing and has changed my life! A bright color can make you feel happy where as a dull color can make you feel sad.Your personality color tells you a lot about yourself, how you function and how others see you. It is the means to understanding your. I'm not an expert, but I think I'm going to understand something, "what is color?".
What is Color? Light is a kind of energy that can travel through space. Light from the sun or a light bulb looks white, but it is really a mixture of many colors.
The colors in white light are red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet. Color is light you can see and comes in seven wavelength groups. When the light hits an object, the wavelengths are absorbed and reflected back to what we see as color.
How we see color? The human eye and brain together translate light into color. Light receptors within the eye transmit messages to the brain, which produces the familiar sensations of color.Through the eye, we can see darkness, brightness and different colors.The ability to see color depends on the many complicated workings of the eyes and brain. When we look at an object, light coming from the object enters our eyes. Each eye focuses the light, which forms an image of the object on the retina. The retina is a thin layer of tissue covering the back and sides of the inside of the eyeball. It contains millions of light-sensitive cells. These cells absorb most of the light that falls on the retina and convert the light to electrical signals. These electrical signals then travel through nerves which lead to the brain. When we observe a red ball is that the ball appears red because it reflects only red light and absorbs all other light. The ball does not have color in itself. The light generates the color. What we see as color is the reflection of specific wavelength of light rays off an object.The color white: If all light waves are reflected from a surface the surface will appear to be white. The color black: Similarly, when all light waves are absorbed by a surface the surface will appear to be black. The energy of light waves is converted into heat when absorbed. Wearing white or light colored clothing during hot summer days takes advantage of the quality. When you ask children to tell you the names of all the colors, they'll know red, blue, yellow and a few more. A basic color wheel, it is based on 3 different types of colors: primary, secondary, and tertiary.
1.Primary ColorsRed, Yellow, Blue These are colors that cannot be created through the mixing of other colors. They are colors in their own right. The three primary colors are RED - YELLOW - BLUE.
2.Secondary Colors

Green, orange and purplePrimary colors can be mixed together to produce SECONDARY COLORS or Secondary colors are formed by mixing 2 primary colors. Primary Colors cannot be created by mixing other colors and (Primary colors) can be combined to produce any color in the rainbow! Primary as in the Basic First colors to form other colors. Red, Blue and Yellow are considered "Primary" colors. You can use red and blue to make a color, yellow and blue to make a color and yellow and red to make a color. They are called "Secondary Colors." This is the idea of "Color Theory."Proper use of basic color theory can help you decide what colors match, as well as what each color makes people feel.

Sir Isaac Newton developed the first circular diagram of colors in 1666. Since then scientists and artists have studied and designed numerous variations of this concept.
3.Tertiary Colors Tertiary colors are combinations of primary and secondary colours. Tertairy colors consiste of red-orange, yellow-orange, yellow-green, blue-green, blue-violet, and red-violet. Tertiary colors are formed by mixing primary and secondary colors, resulting in the two-word names. (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) Many computer printers and traditional "four-color" You can't mix colors to get black and white, black and white are colors that you need to start out with. If you mix a bunch of colors together you might get a dark brown, but not black. Ink and paint get their colors by absorbing some of the colors in white light and reflecting others. Green ink looks green because it reflects the green part of white light and absorbs all the other colors. Red ink looks red because it reflects red light and absorbs all the other colors. When you mix green, red, blue, and yellow ink, each ink that you add absorbs more light. That leaves less light to reflect to your eye. Since the mixture absorbs light of many colors and reflects very little, you end up with black.
What does your personality color say about you and how do colors affect us?Everyone will agree that colors have always been very important in determining the mood of people. Different cultures have different meanings for colors, what do the different colors mean in your culture? Your favorite color tells more than just what color clothes you prefer each color reveals your personality Share. Most people, for whatever reason, have a favorite color but few know what their preference says about them. color is the life of human, if human sees colour he enjoys it. Color can affect how people think and act. We can make a clearer connection with our friends through knowledge of color meanings. Although colors can convey different meanings in different eras, cultures, and for different individuals, in general.
REDReds are exciting, stimulating, and warm. They can represent danger but also love. Red is a very strong color that can bring about strong emotion. Bright and dramatic red is the color of love, joy and bravery. Rooms that are painted red are often warm and cheery while people who wear red are often energetic, optimistic individuals who love attention and being in the spotlight. Those who love red live life to the fullest and are tenacious and determined in their endeavors. Red can make a room feel warm and cozy but be careful using it in bedrooms as it can also cause restlessness.
PinkPinks are cheerful, feminine, and youthful. It is a very relaxing color and is great in children’s rooms. Pink is associated with gentleness, softness and calm. Those who choose pink as their favorite color are often calm and sensitive and care about other feelings. Pink lovers are also generally sympathetic and compassionate and dislike controversy of any kind.
OrangeIt's a combination of red and yellow so it shares some common attributes with those colors. Oranges represent warmth and friendliness. Orange can also stimulate both your appetite and creativity. It is a good choice for kitchens, dining rooms and creative areas. Orange fans hate being alone and many believe that wearing something orange, or sitting in an orange room or on an orange couch will cheer you up if you're feeling grumpy.
YellowYellows can be cheerful, warm, and fresh but also intense, stimulating and hot. The sunniest color in the spectrum, yellow has long been associated with good cheer and happiness. Those who love yellow are often creative, artistic, social people who have dramatic imaginations and a love to create.Choose your shade wisely. Pure, bright yellow should be used cautiously because it may be overstimulating. Paler yellows are fresh and uplifting. Yellow is a good choice for an entranceway or activity area.
GreenStudies show that the color green increases well being, calmness and restful emotions. Those who love the color green are often affectionate, loyal and frank. Green lovers are also aware of what others think of them and consider their reputation very important. If green is your favorite color, chances are you're emotional, caring, and aware of those around you. Greens represent harmony, calmness, and friendliness. Greens are appropriate for most areas of the home.

BlueBlues represent safety, calmness, and peacefulness. A deep, intense blue however, may cause stimulation and restlessness. Most blues are perfect for bedrooms and bathrooms. Blue is serene and tranquil, the color of peace and contentment. Thanks to its calming effects, blue is the color of choice for the many hospital nurseries and studies show that when sitting in a blue room, most people report feeling quiet and settled. If blue is your favorite color you love harmony, are capable, reliable, and sensitive and always make an effort to think of others.
PurplePurples represent royalty, dignity, poise, drama, and soberness. Light/pastel purples represent freshness, kindness, femininity, and sensitivity. Light shades of purple are great for bedrooms. Purple is believed to help people be creative and if purple is your preference chances are you're artistic and unique. Many "eccentric" personalities prefer purple to any other color and it is often the favorite color of teenage girls.
WhiteWhite absorbs all the color rays in the light spectrum and is therefore cooling and restful it is, an inherently positive color, is associated with purity, virginity, innocence, light, goodness, heaven, safety, brilliance, illumination, understanding, cleanliness, faith, beginnings, sterility, spirituality, possibility, humility, sincerity, protection, softness, and perfection.
BlackBlack absorbs all colors and negativity.Black is the absence of colors. In some cultures, black represented fertility; in others it represents wisdom. In Western culture it has been curiously linked with evil, due to religious associations and now is see as a color of sadness and mourning, evil, loss, discord, confusion. It is a color of sexuality, sophistication, formality, elegance, wealth, and mystery.